Feb 11, 2011 22:24
So, today was interesting.
It started at 7ish in the morning. i made breakfast for two, which consisted of scrambled eggs with onion and some hash browns from scratch. Then I went outside and plowed another section of yard. I then came inside, ran a bunch of numbers for dealerships and whatnot and by noon my mom and I were in Long Beach shopping for a car.
Here's where things get interesting.
1) we bought a car. It is red. It is nice in every way except for 2.
- it is not a truck
- The steering is kinda loose feeling. It is fully responsive, but i like heavier steering so I know I'm driving.
2) The guy who sold us our car was apparently impressed by me jabbering senselessly about cars, politics, and other random stuff, and all but offered me a job. I will submit my application within a week. (yay! job! money!)
3) The car will arrive tomorrow.
4) I FINALLY got my parents to go line dancing with me. My mom loved it.
5) Most important! I learned the Cowboy from Shawn Parr. In addition to learning the Cowboy (and Good Time) I learned that Shawn Parr is built like engie, knows how to dance, has a nice butt, and knows how to use it. I was standing right behind him for most of the Cowboy.
line dancing,
shawn parr