Just a quick note to show I'm still alive. *lol* ;-) Really haven't been around here much for so long again... *sighs* Hope I'll find the time for some more regular updates again now.
So, what's new? Mhhh...
- Have done some sport this week! Go me!! *lol* Had not gotten any exercise for, um, several years, I guess. *coughs* Always gaining weight and being too lazy to do anything about it... You know how it is. ;-) So, FINALLY I went jogging twice this week, on Thursday and today. Both times for about 50 minutes! \o/ I was really surprised about that, didn't think I'd even last 10 minutes. *lol* Ok, granted there were 3 short "walking breaks", but strictly speaking they wouldn't have been necessary I guess, or maybe only 1 of them. But we wouldn't want to overdo it the first time now, would we? :-p *gg* Well, actually it felt pretty good and I intend to keep it up at least once or twice a week. :-) Each time getting a bit better I hope.
- Got into contact with an email friend again of whom I hadn't heard for about 7 years! I'm totally happy about it!!! <3
We first got to know each other in a forum while I was spending my 6 months internship in England in 2002. Also met each other in person in London once during that time for a concert, which was great fun. Then sadly in 2003, a while after I had returned back home to Germany, we somehow lost contact... Then some time at the end of last year I sent a short email to her, not really expecting much of it, because after such a long time her mail-address might well have been dead... For a long time nothing happened and I had already forgotten all about it. But then, at the end of April this year, there was a reply! I only found it last weekend though, because it was to one of my email-addresses that I don't really use anymore. I replied right away of course and got an answer back, so yay! Really hope we manage to keep in touch now, but I have a good feeling about it. :-)
- Finally caught up with Doctor Who yesterday. YAY! Still enjoying Matt Smith's Doctor. :-) Loved the episodes "The Time Of Angels" & "Flesh And Stone" and "Amy's Choice". The last two, "The Hungry Earth" & "Cold Blood", were really good too. :-) So tomorrow I'm going to watch today's episode. Looking forward to it!
- Also watched Terry Pratchett's Going Postal. Which was awesome!! LOVED it!! <3 And OMG, I fell in love with Richard Coyle all over again!! *sighs* He was sooo cute in this! ♥♥
The rest of the cast was very good too. :-) Although I'd still have prefered Vetinari (one of my favourite Discworld characters!) to have dark and a little longer hair... ;-)