Aug 18, 2009 23:52
Today I spent most of the day at my parent's. We had some chats on the balcony, had a little dinner together and then spent the rest of the evening looking at our most recent holiday photos (there are LOADS of them! *g*) and the photos I took at my cousin's wedding.
When I got home I finished watching season 1 of "The Big Bang Theory" (which means the last 4 episodes, as I indeed watched two more episodes yesterday after posting ;-) *g*).
Episode 1x14: "The Nerdvana Annihilation"
The guys buy a time machine online thinking it's only a miniature, but it's actually a bit bigger. *gg*
Sheldon: "Why'd you set it for the day before yesterday?"
Leonard: "Because I want to go back and keep myself from getting a time machine."
Sheldon: "You can't. If you were to prevent yourself from buying it in the past, you would not have it available in the present to travel back and stop yourself from buying it, ergo you would still have it. This is a classic rookie time travel mistake."
Leonard: "Can I go back and prevent you from explaining that to me?"
Sheldon: "Same paradox - if you were to travel back in time and, say, knock me unconscious, you would not then have the conversation that irritated you, motivating you to go back and knock me unconscious."
Leonard: "What if I knocked you unconscious right now?"
Sheldon: "It won't change the past."
Leonard: "But it'd make the present so much nicer."
Episode 1x15: "The Pork Chop Indeterminancy"
Leonard, Howard and Raj fight over Sheldon's beautiful twin sister Missy. ;-)
Sheldon: "You see, I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock."
Missy: "And what do you mean, 'mediocre stock'?"
Sheldon: "That would be you."
Episode 1x16: "The Peanut Reaction"
Penny plans on throwing a surprise birthday party for Leonard.
Leonard: "I don't celebrate my birthday."
Penny: "Shut up. Yeah, you do."
Leonard: "It's no big deal. It's just the way I was raised. My parents focused on celebrating achievements and being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one of them."
Episode 1x17: "The Tangerine Factor"
Penny breaks up with her boyfriend, so Leonard asks her out on a date.
Leonard: "I don't think I can go out with her [Penny] tonight."
Sheldon: "Then don't."
Leonard: "Other people would say, 'Why not?'"
Sheldon: "Other people might be interested."
Well, that was season 1 then. Looking forward to season 2. :-)
Heute habe ich den grössten Teil des Tages bei meinen Eltern verbracht. Wir haben uns auf dem Balkon unterhalten, hatten ein kleines Abendessen zusammen und haben dann den Rest des Abends damit verbracht, uns unsere neuesten Urlaubsfotos (da gibt es eine Menge von! *g*) und die Fotos, die ich auf der Hochzeit meiner Cousine gemacht habe, anzusehen.
Als ich nach Hause kam habe ich mir dann die 1. Staffel von "The Big Bang Theory" zuende angesehen (d.h. die letzten 4 Folgen, da ich gestern nach dem Posten noch 2 Folgen geguckt habe ;-) *g*).
Episode 1x14: Die Jungs kaufen online eine Zeitmaschine. Sie glauben, dass es sich nur um eine Miniatur handelt, aber eigentlich ist sie ein bisschen grösser. *g*
Episode 1x15: Leonard, Howard und Raj kämpfen um Sheldons hübsche Zwillingsschwester Missy. ;-)
Episode 1x16: Penny will eine Überraschungs-Geburtstagsparty für Leonard geben.
Episode 1x17: Penny trennt sich von ihrem Freund, also lädt Leonard sie ein, mit ihm auszugehen.
Nun, das war also Staffel 1. Ich freue mich schon auf die 2. Staffel. :-)
tv series,
the big bang theory,
daily life,