Little random update...

Aug 16, 2012 13:38

- Dentist appointment tomorrow. *ugh* Definitely not keen on that. :-/

- I still have no placement for an internship... This sucks big time, especially as the internship period is actually supposed to start on 3 September already, which only gives me 2 more weeks now to find something... *is deperate* Seems pretty unlikely, when so far I wasn't able to find anything in the past 8-9 weeks, right? *facepalm* I have one more interview on Monday (please keep your fingers crossed again!! pleeeaaase), but if that doesn't work out, frankly I don't know what to do... :-/

- On the weekend I finally managed to "update" my framed stagedoor photos. :D Had to take 6 older pictures out to fit 3 of the new London ones in and it was really hard to arrange them so they all would fit into the frame... ;-) It seriously took me an hour or so. o_o *lol* But I'm quite happy with the result now. :-)

(Sorry for picture quality here, especially in the bottom right area... Things and lights keep reflecting on the surface, so it's pretty hard to take a somewhat decent photo. ;-) *g*)

In the pictures (from left to right/ top to bottom, sort of *lol*): Michael Ball, Ben Mansfield, Philip Quast (yep, he's allowed to be in there twice <3), Reece Shearsmith, Simon Bowman, Norm Lewis, Killian Donnelly, Kasper Holmboe, Matt Rawle, Roger Allam, Veit Schäfermeier, Pia Douwes, Fredrik Wickerts, Thomas Borchert, Jörn Linnenbröker, Jerzy Jeszke, Aleks di Capri, Jens Janke, Felix Martin, Norbert Kohler and Olegg Vynnyk. Well, and myself, obviously, on some of them. ;D Some of the pictures are also autographed, but it doesn't show here too well...

This is what the frame looked like before btw, if you're interested. ;-) click

- Next week I'm gonna watch Sister Act again. *yay* Sadly the musical is leaving Hamburg on 26 August, so I had to take this as last oppurtunity... Already seen it once last year in July and enjoyed it so very much!! :D It's so much fun and many of the songs are really catchy. *g* Hope I'm as lucky with the cast as I was the last time. :-)

- Also, if everything goes according to plan (and my boss does actually remember that I want that day off... *rolleyes*) I'm going to meet up with fry_addict, maggi137 and vesperdavid in Hamburg on Saturday the 25th. Really looking forward to that! :-)

ben mansfield, norm lewis, daily life, roger allam, reece shearsmith, killian donnelly, musical, philip quast, f-list, sister act, simon bowman, jens janke, michael ball, thomas borchert, school, hamburg, it's me!

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