Apr 17, 2010 21:05
I'm sorry for having been so distant again - this week's been insaaane with overtime Every.Single.Day and so much to do at work and I don't even know. BUT... I have exciting news...
I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!1!!!!eleven!!!!!!!!!1
I am SO excited for it and it feels great, and it will challenge me more than my current job. I also got a raise of almost 2000 swedish kronor (which is about 280 US dollar). Which feels extra wonderful. XD
And, well, I've been at my current workplace for almost FIVE years now; which is insanely long and undoubtedly too long and I've been feeling for so long that it's time to quit but the pay's been too good and even though I've looked for other jobs and went to interviews and gotten some offers before, I've always declined. But this felt right immdiately and I am so happy and it feels like I did the right decision. We signed the papers today and I will start my new employment sometime in May.
Of course I am already extremely nervous and now the worry and performance anxiety is already coming at me quite bad. I want to do well SO badly and I hope I will.
I will be something like a "manager" type at a coffee shop; it's been quite badly run for quite a while and from what I understand there hasn't been any real changes for the better for ages; only for the worse... so what they expect from me is to come in there and shape things up. I think I might have, to at least some extent "free reins" to change things to at least see what works and what not works. I am excited for it and I really really do hope I'll do good there...
I am so excited, you guys! ^_^ This will do me so good! ♥