(no subject)

Dec 16, 2007 15:44

I'm lonely. I've been home from work the past few days, and been very very sick. I've lost more than 5 kilos, in 5 days, and that would be more alarming if I didn't have so many extra kilos to spare. ^^;;; BUt, well, finally getting better now, at least!

And, I've been very busy lately, as usual, mostly with work, but also some other things I've been avoiding for a long time, as I've been a bit afraid and scared of them, but I'm happy I did them, and things are looking brighter and brighter! I'm happy~

And tomorrow, I'll get to go back to work! I missed some very important reservations last week, but I think they managed quite well, even so.

In fandom related news... there are no news. Other than that in a week, the kuricons begin, and I Am Not Going To Be There, and it feels worse than I thought it would. ;_; I want to go SO bad, but it's impossible this time, for several reasons, but I want to go SO bad! I am hoping with all my might that 2008 will follow the same schedule as 2007, and that they'll have additional concerts in May, as it won't be possible for me to go to the tour, either... I am putting all my faith and all my hope in additional-cons in May... And that I'll get the time off from work then, too!

I am starting to look around for buying a laptop. I'm starting to feel as if I need one. I saw a pretty pink one from LG the other day. *_*

Takitsuba-kuricons!!! I want to goooooooooooooo.... ;____; I really can't get over it. I'll probably cry on christmas, or something. How spoilt can I get, lol! I have to get over this, and accept reality. I Can't See Everything. Can't See Everything <- this has been my mantra the last couple of weeks, and it's getting harder to listen to it every day. ^^;;;

Well, at least the drought should end as the concerts begin... it's really unbearable right now when there's hardly any news of them at all, save for Takki's SP drama. I'm looking forward to it, even though I in all honestly don't know anything about kabuki or kabuki-acting...!
And of course, I'm really looking forward to listening to the radio-drama Tsubasa stars in! :3 LOL, speaking of Tsubasa's voice, a few weeks ago while I was at work, and listening to an episode of Tobase on the iPod speakers, and as he started talking, my colleague giggles and asks if we're listening to Japanese news (not the group, NewS, but actuall news. XD), and I tell her that it's Tsubasa's own radio-show, and she starts listening, and even though she doesn't understand anything, after a few minutes, she turned her head to me, and starts praising his voice, as it's so deep and manly! I try to be calm and collected, but fails miserably of course, and squeals, that "Yes, yes, hasn't he?? Even though he's so pretty, his voice is still so deep and beautiful and and and-"

Well, my point of this story is that... no one can resist Tsubasa's gorgeous voice. Kyyahhhh~

And, speaking of, can you understand the amazingness that is the people I work with as they let me listen to Japanese radio-shows during work? I love them. ♥♥♥

I really should get started on my WWP report, shouldn't I? ^^;;;

kuricon, work, takitsuba, rl, concert

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