(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 12:55

Almost a month since I last updated. ^^;;;

Er. So, what have I been up to? Not much, really. Working, reading manga and watching anime. I've been buying SO MUCH MANGA lately. My bookcase's are beginning to get very full. ^^;;; I've read some new stuff that's really good, some new stuff that's not so good... I also bought the first two books in Anne Rice's Vampire chronicles-series; Interview with a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat. I've been planning on reading them for ages, I just haven't really come to it. At least I have them now when I feel inspired to start reading. XD

And, zomg, about a week and a half ago, I got my first paycheck. Ever. MONEY! I've been buying clothes... and clothes... and clothes... It was such a long time ago since I bought myself skirts and tops and corsets and socks (I have a sock-fetish. So sue me.), just because I thought they were pretty! Yay!

And, also. I'M GOING TO UPPCON IN NOVEMBER WITH sassy_86! My first convention, ever. I'm so excited!
On the program, it says they'll show soo much I wanna see... I don't know how I'm gonna have the time to see all I want too. And find the time to shop merchandise. XDD They're showing Advent Children (Vincent on big screen. *___*) and Gackt Live Tour 2004 and, most important, X-Japan Last Live. The Last Live is... wow. There are no words as to how amazing and breathtaking and powerful it is.
AND, they're showing something called Waterboys. Is it possible that it is THE Waterboys? With Shiozawa Hidemasa? If it is that Waterboys... I am a very happy fangirl. *_________*

anime/manga, rl, books, uppcon

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