Back from the Grandparents now!
It was a nice trip; not that exciting, but it was okay. It was me and my dad, and my grandmother turned 70 on Friday, so she had a big party. I thought I was invited as a guest, but it turned out I was supposed to be a waitress instead. And I thought I was done with the waiting-business now that school's over. But, noooo.
It was okay though; it was LOADS of people (around 60-65 persons, I think...) and I didn't spill anything. It was extremely warm, though. They were outside, in a big tent, and the sun was shining and I was burning up when I had to run getting cakes, filling the tables with food and candy, getting more water, getting more of this and that, getting more coffee... (I think everyone must've had at least 3 cups of coffee each. It was insane. Do people really drink that much coffee? For REAL?)
However, everyone was nice so it was okay.
And one day, my dad and I went to Helsinki for a little shopping. :D They have a HUGE bookstore there, and we don't have anything like it in Sweden... it was heaven. :D I bought some Japanese-language books, so maybe I'll finally get to start studying. :3 Even if it'll take me YEARS, I WILL LEARN JAPANESE!
Now, down to the important stuff.
A little while ago, I ordered some stuff from
Nippon-Export. They arrived yesterday. :3
Two Kimeru CD's! Be Shiny and The Pleasure of Love. So Much Love. :3 In the case's of both CD's, there were a little pretty idol-card. *squeee*
And, also DREAM LIVE 1ST. OMG, I HAVE DREAM LIVE ON DVD! OMGOMGOMG. Dream Live. :3 My beloved Dream live with all the Golden pair fanservice and Now & Forever and Kime and OH, TUTI and everything and everyone else and oh, so much love. I've already watched it two times with my little sister. HawHawHaw! I'll watch it again later today. ^___^