Went to the cinema with K earlier tonight. We saw Magic Mike, which I didn't really know what it was about before it started, but K said that we absolutely had to see it.
It was pretty a movie about a male strip club! I was a bit surprised, but quite pleased. Even though they weren't exactly my cup of tea, it was lots of well toned, tanned and oiled male bodies, hohohooo. And I have a thing for Mathew Mcconaughey for some reason. Not for his face as much as his voice. If he were the one to read audio books I'd buy ALL of them, for real face! *___*
Erm, anyway. The movie was pretty amusing and had a whole bunch of funny parts even though many of them were of second-hand embarrassment. XD Though some of the dances were seeeeriously yummy. And reminded me a lot of Kis-My-Ft2's dances - seriosuly, one of the dances were pretty much completely Firebeat, but with a little less clothes on.
Also random, Channing Tatum (sp?) who was the lead looks so much like one of our chefs at work, wtf?!? O_O