Went to a malll with my mom and sister today! Once again, it was proven that I really should be allowed to visit stores...!
It was lovely, anyway, to spend time with my mom and sister today. It's been a while since, and we mostly just walked around and looked at stuff and had lunch - my sister got, like, the BIGGEST portion of spaghetti bolognese, EVER. When she was finisahed with it, it was probably around two small portions left on the plate. She got a box to bring the rest home with her. XDD
Anyway, I found a whole bunch of stuff on sale
I had decided to buy hairspray and a tweezer when I went to the mall... I forgot about the tweezer but managed to buy hairspray. And loads of other stuff. XD
Somehow I ended up buying three (!) pairs of shoes...
In my defence they were ALL on sale! XD I needed a pair of strappy flat sandals for my upcoming trip so I started with them. Both those and the other pair of flats were super cheap, and got even cheaper in the end since I had a membership card w00p w00p!
And these!! I've been looking for the perfect pair of sneaker wedges for a couple of months actually. But never managed to find the perfect pair. Either they've been too high or too low, wrong colour, no straps... or just some other kinf of fault with them. But, now...! these were seriously PERFECT. Extremely comfortable, easy to walk with despite being a few centimetres high, and the colors couldn't have been more right - pink and silver, which are totally my colors! I love love love them sooo much. SHOOOOESSSSSS ♥♥♥
I... like skanky underwear? I didn't take any pictures of the panties because that would've felt a little bit uncomfortable lol! I HAVE SOME LIMITS! But I loved these, they were all so cute!
Clothes I bought. The shorts are a bit too big, but they'll be so comfortable to wear to work!! I really needed something else to wear there. The pink shirt has small white stars on it, you can't tell on the pic but it looks very cute and funny. ^^ The upper left dress isn't as short at it looks, btw. XD It does cover my bum, at least. XDDD
And that wasn't even all I bought lol. I FINALLY bought myself a pair of speakers. The sound on my laptop is pretty lousy and often i can hardly hear a thing, so I've been needing speakers for about... 3½ years. Finally remembered to buy them wohoo! XD And as I said I also bought hairspray and a couple of other things. And I am saving money for Tokyo right now, lol, wtf happened...
And, to things not related to my excessive shopping habits...! The Playzone senshuuraku was earlier today (yesterday, Japanese time)! Otsukaresama to Tsubasa and the rest of the Playzone cast and crew! This years show seems to have been something extra special and wonderful! I've only heard the soundtrack so far (looking forward to that DVD like crazy!!) and it is absolutely amazing! I love all of the songs on it!!
I hope everyone in the production feels proud and happy and I am also happy that Tsubasa seems to have recovered from a few days ago. ♥ When he hurts, my heart hurts like mad and I just want to... idk, do something. :(((( Like send Takizaaa to him to take care of him. :3333 But as I said, I'm happy he was appearently feeling better by the end of the run. (Hopefully that was thanks to Takki!! ^_~ ♥)
And in exactly thirty days, it's time for their debut anniversary. TEN album, come to me quicklyyyy!!! I'm trying to think of doing something for their anniversary, but I can't come up with anything, lol. XD Want to do something though, so need to come up with an idea quickly...! O_O
Off to FINALLY watch The Hunger Games movie now, I've been wanting to watch it for several months now, but never managed to drag my ass to the cinema in time, and it is finally released on DVD here now! \^_^/ Can't wait, since I absolutely LOVED the books!!