
Oct 13, 2010 19:15

It's so frustrating and annoying when you walk around for a whole day being irritated about pretty much everything... When even the smallest thing ticks you off...

... And then you suddenly realize it's just PMS, and that you're being ridiculous. So you don't even have a real reason to be irate. ^^;;;; I've had one of those days at work today so I'm happy to be home now. Went to Sun Ai, the Japanese bookstore in Stockholm, after work to collect my Potato and Wink Up-subscriptions and now I'm sitting here newly showered with a lovely cup of tea - I made a mix-cup and had both sencha-tea and black vanilla/caramel-tea. So yummy. :333 And exactly what I needed tonight - I rarely drink black tea but it was ^_^b today! So now I'm ready for a new day in a better mood tomorrow! \^_^/

Yesterday my copy of Lynn Flewelling's new short-story book "Glimpses" arrived! I've been wanting to read it ever since she mentioned it on her LJ. Of course I immediately turned the pages to read the Alec/Seregil first-time story "The Bond"-story. I loved it - so warm and loving and cute and pretty and gushgushgush! I also read the small snippet from her coming Nightrunner-book "Casket of Souls". Can't wait to read it omgomg ♥♥♥

And speaking of OMGOMG. Takitsubaaaaaaa ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I haven't even been to the Nagoya concerts but I've been following the reports like a crazy person and they're killing meeee!!!! *___*
Tsubasa's ending speech was just... he is so... I don't even know. But I love it how he always speaks from his heart and how sincere he is and that he actually spoke of the hiatus and apologized for making us all worry so much... and that he teared up... ;___; Tsubasaaaaaa!!! ♥

And that they made kissy-faces to each other is just sooo cuuuteeeeeeee!!! Ahhh, I also want to see that! And I didn't understand exactly what the Takki holding Tsubasa's hand-thing meant when I tried to read Japanese twitters after the con (omg, my Japanse is so horrible....!! I hate myself for not studying! XD) but lovely Jenn wrote about it in her blog. And the image of Takki pulling Tsubasa off the stage with his hand...! *___* I lovelovelove it!

Oh, and I am happy to see on the paparazzi-pics from the cons that the costumes look SO much better than their BEST-tour... because, honestly, those were truly truly horrible. O_O And I usually like things a bit tacky...! O_O

I want to hear Ai wa Takaramono NOWWWWW!!

It feels so good to be their fan again, I am so happy! ♥

takitsuba rabu, work, ai wa takaramono, new single, rl

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