He Has Made No Statement, Charges Of Murder Have Been Accepted Against Him

Jun 15, 2004 01:54

Which Family Guy character are you?

How did I manage to avoid being Stewie?

I have so many ideas racing thru my head. What I need is the appropriate medium on which to express it. However I know that when it comes to that kind of stuff I don't give a flying fuck what other people think of my work, if I put any value into someone else’s' opinion it would be those close to me friends & family

Still sick but I put my stubbornness aside this time and decided to take some medicine

I've been thinking what's a friend. What defines a person as one's friend?

I realized that I've known all along what my definition of a friend is. I can't expect the rest of the world to share my views. In fact if the rest of the world wants to they should very well pay me because it's my intellectual property. The rest can go fuck them selves.

That's what a friend is, people you don't want to give 'em the old "fuck you buddy, have a nice life"

It's someone you want to be close to you, someone you want to share your thoughts with, the bad and good times. Someone you can talk to. Someone that you can appreciate and feel appreciated back. That's what a real friend is to me. Other than my closer family members I can count my friends in one hand man. These are people I really feel I can trust.

Ricardo, Dilcia, Gustavo, Andres (ya casi no hablamos pero de todas formas hay cariño) y Vlad

The rest, just people I know, people who come and go. People that really bring nothing to your life. Maybe a couple of laughs here or there. Not bad people, some are though...(you know who you people are)

Those people, holding resentment is really a waste of time. Best thing to do is just forget and keep on keeping on. Life is so fragile, so precious, and so easy to lose, when you know you can die at any moment at any time and you can probably do nothing to stop it, you shouldn't become sad. You should think how beautiful life is, how valuable it is just to be here. It's so fragile, and you only get it once, do something with it...

That's the kind of stuff I think off when I'm bored late night in my house...yeah sometimes I'm stoned, but it's insightful all the same ;P

You are Beaker.
You are very tense, stressed and paranoid. You hate
furthering the cause of science, as it tends to
get you blown up.

Scientific assistant, Victim
"1001 Meeps to a Bigger Vocabulary"

"Run Silent, Run Meep"

"Meep! Meep! Meep!"

Medical Coverage

What Muppet are you?
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