Jul 12, 2006 13:17
i bet you're all cerious about street fighter:the movie :the game!so was i!
so i decided to do a little research on the topic! using the handy source which is known as wikipedia, here's what i learned!
the origional arcade version was developed by an arcade company known as incredible technologies mostly known for it's golden tee golf arcade game series and published by capcom, with no other capcom support, it featured wepons, and mortal kombat style gameplay, but totally sucked! and english voice acting from the origional movie actors!
the home versions, which were released for the sega saturn and ps1, was picked up by capcom, retooled to play like the origionals, and had japanese voices dubbed in, it also featured a story mode where you play as guile
yes and everything you have heard about mike bison is true!
on a completely unrelated note, some people wonder how the british can pass off "bloody" hell off as a swear or vulgarity, it's quite simple! the bloos the speak of it obviously vag blood!
there you go!