As I can recall, the dragon is the most powerful of the four ominous beasts, the other three being the Phoenix, the Tortoise, and the Qi Lin (unicorn?????) The dragon is said to be able to do anything. They also say that the dragon is elusive, for it only shows itself to certain people or at certain times.
They also say that the dragon represents the Chinese people.
The dragon, I realized, is the epitome of an animated entity that follows the Dao. That is, if looking to water is not enough, look to the dragon how a living creature must be to follow the Dao...or rather what a living creature will be by following the Dao...
The man who is elusive is so not because he dodges left and right so well, but rather is elusive because "he" does not exist in the first place. Yet, you know that underneath all that flesh,.bone and blood is a real person that remains hidden, coiled almost, like a serpent that is waiting to be seen, but only by one who is willing to see.
Thus the dragon is always benevolent, always showing himself yet the observer is unsure of what he sees...for the dragon appears and reappears...
And the dragon can do anything, and sure as the man who follows the Dao follows nature and the Way, and thus moves and thinks as one with nature, the man who follows the Dao can do anything he wants, and thusly becoming what the classics describe as an "immortal god."
Thus, I think, to follow the Dao is to be like the dragon. Once people see the nature of a dragon in you, I believe, then at some point you have managed to follow the Dao.