so, for theatre class. we had this assignment... we had to write to someone and tell them something we've always wanted to tell them. so i wrote to dan engle... but then i read what i'd written, and realized, there is no way this is appropriate for theatre class, nor do i want to share it with the froshies.
so it's here instead. don't feel like you have to read it, it's really just me going through emotions about who knows what... i don't even know how i feel. maybe dan'll even read it...
Stop it. Stop doing this to me. To be more specific, stop leading me on, stop pushing me away, stop being such a nice jewish jerk. You IM me at night telling me how much you want to fuck me, making me uncomfortable, cause what do you say to something like that? i don't know. i haven't the slightest idea. you tell me what you want to do to me, and i recoil, because, some of those things... they scare me, brave front that i put up regardless.
and also..... when i hug you, kiss your cheek, even put a hand on your shoulder, you recoil. you move your chair away from me... am i that repulsive? am i so disgusting to you, that you can't stand to be near me? to speak with me? you haven't said two words to me all week. did i do something wrong?
i just wish... you wouldn't confuse me. either let me move on with my life, or date me. if you don't want to date me, don't keep IMing me and telling me what you want to do to me.... no more toying with me. you probably have no idea that i feel this way. oh and also, stop mourning your fucking father. he's alive. really! he's not going to die. you don't have to restrict your activites because he's in the hospital. no really, you don't. i know i should be more sympathetic and more supportive, but there's really only so much i can do, so far i can go... you didn't come to the shabbaton... you didn't even sign up because why? your dad was in the hospital? you could've gone home if something happened... instead you chose to do what? sit in the hospital, and work in between? give yourself some GODDAM FUN before you wear yourself ragged! i'm seriously worried about how much you abuse yourself like that. i know it's stressful, but please, please give yourself a break. you dropping a class won't make it so you don't get into premed. and if you kill yourself by all this stress, you certainly won't get into premed. take a damn break! i don't want to watch you waste away into a stressball. go out and find yourself a girl you love, me or otherwise. save some time for yourself.
please dan, i beg you, don't hurt yourself.