May 28, 2009 22:53
Curse you, American college homework. I've been sick for the past five days (an annoying cold that has become worse every day), but I haven't been able to rest at all because I've had so much homework to do. Earlier today I attempted to write yet another short paper, and I just felt so ridiculous when I honestly couldn't concentrate enough to tell whether my sentences made any sense or not.
I also applied for an apartment in Tampere. I expected it to take at least a week or two so imagine my surprise when they already sent me an offer which they want me to sign by first of June. Right. Sorry, but since I would have to cross an ocean and two continents to do that, I think I'll pass. I asked if I could accept the offer in July, but if not, I think it should be pretty easy to get another good offer later since this one felt a bit too easy get.
Oh damn, my head hurts so bad... Would it be so much to ask if I could just put everything aside for a couple of days and just rest? *cries and crawls into bed*