Aftermath-Sequel to "Payback Time." How is Sam going to cope with the aftermath of his kidnap by Barricade? How will he cope with going back to normal life? How will Mikaela, hisc parents, and the Autobots cope with his reaction? (Needs more research)
"Mom, Dad, say hello. This is Optimus Prime." -Sam introduces his parents to the Autobots.
"Tattoo." Sam has acquired a tattoo he doersn't want on a sensitive part of his anatomy, courtesty of Starscream. Earth laser treatrment won't remove it, so he has to aopproach one of those he partiucularly doesn't want to see it in order to have it removed.
This one was inspired by Heslestor, she out up this little gem of an idea....
)Sam stared listlessly at the shower wall, still amazed by the fact that not only did Starscream not kill him, but actually rewarded him for destroying Megatron. Washing his lower back, he was concerned when the skin there felt bruised. He was even more disturbed when, after trying to look over his shoulder to see if it was anything major, the only thing he could distinguish was a very large dark colored mark.
Out of the shower and with one of his mom’s compact mirrors, Sam stared in disbelief at what he found. There, on his left butt check, was a rather smug looking Decepticon tattoo.)
She kindly said I could write "Tattoo" when I asked.
The other fics-Status Report
Payback time-Barricade decides to get his own back on Bumblebee for the aft-whupping he recieved when questioning Sam. How? By attacking one of the things Bumblebee cares about the most-Sam- while destroying the trust Sam has in Bumblebee. How? By temporarily taking the same alt-form as Bumblebee...-Finished, and posted on
Starscream's secret-Starscream has a secret, anbd will do anything to keep it. But what if someone finds HER out? -not yet started
On The Prowl-Prowl lands on Earth, and with his communication equipment out, Prowl cannot follow Prime's signal. However, after adopting the alt-form of the local law-enforcement vehicles. he chances upon the information that one Samuel James Witwicky isd in contact with his Autobot comrades. Prowl tries to make contact with this human, but why does the human keep running away from him?-not yet started
Bumblebee Wants To Go Home-After Bumblebee's Transformation circiuit is damaged, Ratchet is forced to remove it, leaving Bumblebee trapped in car form with misaligned systems. Then he is stolen. Bumblebee must escape and find his way back to Sam.-Chapter Three finished, only short epilogue to do.
My Turn-Sequel to "Touch." Sam has given Bumblebee a wonderful experience, and Bumblebee wants to return the favour-Finished and posted on
Complications-When Optimus gets struck by lightning which arcs to Mikaela, their minds switch places. How will Sam cope with Mikaela-in-Optimus? How will Optimus cope with being human and female? Will they ever get back to their own bodies?-in progress
The Best Laid Plans of Autobots and Men-(G1 setting) When a human friend if Spike's is sevcerely injured, wheeljack is forced to mend and use the transference device to put the human's mind temporarily in a spare Autobot body. A dreadful error at the hospital means she must stay in it for good. (Written to redress some issues I had with the episode "Autobot Spike.)-in progress
The Search-Sunblazer (oc) lands on Earth, and must find her way to Optimus, but has a problem. Her navigation was damaged on the inward journey, and she's landed in the UK instead of the US. How will she get there?-In progress
Rebirth-Sunblazer (oc) finds that someone she had given up as dead is far closer than she realised.-in-progress
So, I am currently fionishing "Bumblebee Wants to Go Home, and then I shall make a start on "On the Prowl." After that, which do you think I should do?
And I think I've finally fighured out why my Muse is a slave-driver: it's a Barricade-muse.
fan fic,
plot bunnies Current Location:
Great Britain
Current Music: E.T.
Leave a comment 24 December 2007 @ 09:02 am
So many plot bunnies, so little time!
Well, I figured it was time to get my lazy aft in gear and finally make an entry in my journal. I've had it long enough, after all.
Bunnies and progress report.
Complications-When Optimus gets struck by lightning which arcs to Mikaela, their minds switch places. How will Sam cope with Mikaela-in-Optimus? How will Optimus cope with being human and female? Will they ever get back to their own bodies?
Rebirth-Sunblazer (oc) finds that someone she had given up as dead is far closer than she realised.-in-progress
The Art of Revenge-Sequel to "Tattoo" the Twins decide to truely pay Starscream back for that tatoo he gave Sam.
Drone: Starscream charges Barricade with finding a test subject to try out a new invention. Barricade chooses Bumblebee as the subject, with nasty results.
For The Race-When Sam dsesperately wishes he could do something, anything, to save the Cybertronian race from extinction, he does not know that the allDSpark essence is within him, intelligent, lisyening, and takes him at his word.
Only Available In This Model-When an electrical storm triggers dormant AllSpark Energy lest in Sam, remodelling him into a Cybertronian, an unforseen problem occurs: his appearence.
Perfect Harmony-One of the Cybertronians currently on Earth reflects on his past life as a musician and composer, and how he ended up what and where he is now.
Payback time-Barricade decides to get his own back on Bumblebee for the aft-whupping he recieved when questioning Sam. How? By attacking one of the things Bumblebee cares about the most-Sam- while destroying the trust Sam has in Bumblebee. How? By temporarily taking the same alt-form as Bumblebee.
Bumblebee Wants To Go Home-After Bumblebee's Transformation circiuit is damaged, Ratchet is forced to remove it, leaving Bumblebee trapped in car form with misaligned systems. Then he is stolen. Bumblebee must escape and find his way back to Sam
My Turn-Sequel to "Touch." Sam has given Bumblebee a wonderful experience, and Bumblebee wants to return the favour.