camping/NEW HAIR

Aug 23, 2004 21:29

ok i went camping for a week and sense then ive been much to lazy too update this thing. lets just say camping wasnt exactly relaxing. if you know my family you know it is never silent at my house it was about two times crazier than normal. my mom got lost at the camp site at around 2 in the morning and you can guess she was waisted. my brother, my sis and me decide to go on a path that was supposed to be around a mile long but i guess i messed up reading the sign and we walked for about 3 hours not even on a path. parents freaked cause we had ally and called 911. in any case we were fine and ended up walking to the shariffs house. someone moved are boat and scraped the side but they say they didnt scratch it so my dad is taking them to small claim court. that was about it for camping. well anyways i got a hair cut ohh finaly. it has been much overd due for about 7 months but now ive done it. i was a bit scared as it was 2 years from my last hair cut but it was all good. i went to allure and a femal named tara did it. amanda was with me the whole time so it was a lot better than being by myself even though we didnt talk all to much just her around made it around 10 times better. school is coming!!!!(mixed feelings but overall good) i need to get to san fran to do some shopping, i realy want to go to the diesel store. im tryin to get there before the 30th i have no clue how but i shall figure away even if it uses magic.
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