(no subject)

Sep 22, 2004 17:25

well todays just another day
another day like yesturday
somethings have changed
some stayed the same
when the worlds destroyed
there will be no scapegoat to blame.

wow, a lot has happened in the past 24 hours. id write everything, but then id just be proving my point even more of how my life fuckin blows. one sentence that will describe a lot would be "i love shawn and i thought we were gonna go back out, and then i found some shit and ive been fuckin cryin like the entire day" the end. no really tho, my life sucks. and neone who tells me it doesnt, is either a-lying or b-doesnt kno a thing thats gone on in my life. uhmm..

well my horrible day went as follows:
-couldnt sleep last night (wicked tired)
-didnt hav to time to look decent
-didnt hav time to eat breakfast
-ran out the door without lunch money
-got into school, dropped my binder
-went to amandas locker, and everyone saw me crying
-forgot trig book with hw at home
-got a 58 on my physics quiz
-had lab
-hated practice
-shawn hates me
-i hate me
-was lied to
-was yelled at by mom
-the one thing ive been forward to all day, isnt going to happen (see shawn)

as you can tell by the way my day went, im not in the greatest mood. i hate the world so dont take it personal. and the only thing that would make me happy (shawn) wont do nething about it. and im even fuckin crying right now as i type this. ive never felt so alone before in my life. nothing good ever happens, no one else i kno has this much fuckin drama in their life. i kno i may hav caused some of it, but geez give me a break. i cant stand neone, i hate life in general. now i will go and supress myself in homework and the tv becuz no one else gives a rat ass if im even fuckin alive. maybe i should drop out of school, quit volleyball, and move to mexico. would that make neone happy? cuz it sure as hell would make me happy. ugh n it fuckin pisses me off that i love him so much. i kno that hes never going to say yes and im making myself miserable by thinking hes going to. i asked him to go to the football game with me on friday, and if he says no its cuz he wants to go see Ally cheerlead for barrington football. omg before i hav a fuckin breakdown im leaving.

dont bother.
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