ZoroxLuffy Grand Sould translation help

Oct 14, 2011 02:40

Hi everybody!! :) I hope you are doing fine!! As many of you probably already known, some time ago our dearest Dancermisan translated  Royal Garden's doujinshi Grand Soul. I'm dying to translate it into Spanish I would really love to translate it.  I always keep the credits in case you don't know. ;) Well the things is that when I was reading it I couldn't understand one phrase that Luffy says. This is because English is not my first language. For the same reasng, I would really appreciate if you could help me telling me what does Luffy mean with a phrase he say on page 28?

Well my problem in on page 28 when Luffy says "I've always been on the receiving end" at firt I thought it was like "I've always been the bottom" or something like that. But when I looked the meaning up on the internet I found:

The position in which one is subject to an often unpleasant action or effect.

on the receiving end also at the receiving end feeling the unpleasant effects of something

on the receiving end
In the situation of recipient, especially of something unpleasant, as in It seems I'm always on the receiving end of his bad moods .

So I don't really understand what Luffy means. What does he mean by saying "I've always been in the receiving end"? Considering the scene. And in addition to that, he laughes, so I really don't get the meaning.

What is Luffy saying? "This always feels umpleaseant for me?" Or what T_T Please if someone could explain it further I would be really happy. And very thankful.

Thanks in advance, Loreto

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