(no subject)

Sep 15, 2006 15:34

Lately I've been getting really angry about stuff. I don't know why, maybe it's my short attention span, or my shortening fuse, or because I'm sick of people or because I'm just becoming a cynical arsehole... most of the things I get angry at are pretty trivial, but there are a few things that I'm really pissed off about at the moment. The main one is Australia's IR laws.

Obviously these have been around for a little while now, they're nothing new, so it's kinda weird that I'm only just getting angry at the now. Not entirely true - I've always acknowledged how terrible they are, how unfair they are, how John Howard is a fucking tosser, all that stuff. But you put Howard's IR laws together with Chisholm Institutes brown nosing management system and it equals: my Dad being fucked out of a large sum of money.

Dad is the head of his department at Chisholm Frankston (Chilsholm is a TAFE, Dad teaches Creative Writing & Editing). He's worked there for something like 20 years. He works far harder than he should for them, and gets treated like crap by them - no overtime, they make everything as hard as they can for him (and anyone else in his position, it's not a personal thing) and their CEO was once known to have said "Education: That's quality we can't afford". They are a business that hides behind the facade of being an educational institution.

Anyhow, Dad's departments was to face cutbacks (aka: people getting the sack) at the end of this year. Dad's position wasn't one of the ones in threat, however he was put in the horribly awkward situation of having some control over which of his friends were to lose their jobs. At the start of last month management sent out the offer of redundancy payouts (that were worth approximately $27,000) to everyone in his faculalty, personally addressed, for anyone willing to quit, basically. At the same time Dad received a job offer as a Senior Project Manager at the Royal Melbourne Institution of Obsterticians & Gynecologists, teaching overseas doctors. After a lot of thinking, Dad decided to take the job. Chisholm then told Dad that the offer they made wasn't for him. Dad presented the letter addressed to him offering it, and they denied any knowledge of it.

Thanks to John Howards fucked up IR laws, and the way the Union Reps are treated at Chisholm (private investigators are hired to basically get them fired) Dad hasn't got a foot to stand on. I (nor him) could really care about the money (although $27,000 would go a long way for Dad, who has a mortgage to pay off and 2 sets of school fees to pay, a car that needs fixing and a mobile phone that doesn't even work) but the principle is so fucking shit.

Basically, there's going to be a massive protest at the end of October, where they (who THEY are, I don't know) are going to try and fill them MCG with those in opposition to the laws... you should really go.


I brutally hurt my leg today kickin' the footy around and can hardly walk. Just called and cancelled work for tonight and tomorrow - I'm going to get drunk tonight instead.
Crush is still fun.
Finished school for the term. 14 days left ever.
Last night's dinner for lit was nice. BEST curry ever.
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