Premise ... about the game, from the basic setting to some of the inner workings, in order to provide a feel for the role play. The information page goes into further detail.
Information ... a handy-dandy guide of sorts. A 101 especially for those unfamiliar with Dissidia, though it's not necessary to have played the game, and it's recommended that everyone reads this.
Rules/FAQ ... what's allowed, what isn't, answers to common questions, and a place to leave queries should any turn up unanswered after browsing every page.
Taken Characters Hiatus/Drop Wanted Characters Locations ... stages that are in play or in queue. A general list of worlds collected from old and new characters, and more on the specifics of each area. This list is frequently updated to keep up with the influx of warriors.
Factions ... Cosmos and Chaos line-ups. There may be divided groups in the factions in the future, provided that the characters don't work as one whole team. This arrangement changes with each round 'reset.'
Memories ... list of retained memories, basically an organizer for what's been picked to stay from previous rounds in order to avoid confusion.
Permissions ... list of permissions, setting ground rules amongst players on what is okay and what isn't.
Mannequins ... imitations the characters must fight in-game, be it on enemy or neutral territory.
Items Shop ... the place for characters to purchase items, or to repair current equipment.
Player Contact ... for communicative purposes. (FRIENDS-LOCKED)
Mod Contact/Feedback ... and suggestions!