Ah ha ha

Feb 05, 2006 23:15

Man, I was having a pretty crappy week, but now I feel a lot better. Must be the Advil. :D <3
I've been experiencing mood swings lately, which is strange because... me? mood swings? Yeah. Maybe I'm turning more female. ^^; Or stress is messing with my psychology and I'm slowly turning manic-depressive... or more accurately 'happy/optimistic - rawr kill everything death doom'. Ah well, I'll deal with it. :)

There are two birthdays coming up this month, so MUST NOT FORGET TO CONGRATULATE! DO NOT FORGET!

I've been attempting to teach myself how to knit recently. It was WEIRD. I was taught how to knit in grade 6, in Germany, but I didn't like it and promptly forgot how to do it. I liked crochet better, and that's what I can do, on a very elementary level. It was hilarious when I first picked up the two needles again and tried to make the wool DO something. The needles didn't have hooks, so I was very confused as to what to do. XD; And they kept slipping from my hands too, so I had to prop one up on my hip for starters. haha Dork. I got the hang of it though now. Not perfectly, but that's what practice and instructional manuals are for. :) And it's just for fun, so it's not like I have to invest copious amounts of time into my as-of-yet useless skill #25 (don't ask what the other 24 are).

I think the crowning event of last week was my forgetting I had my 1% poetry presentation. Whoops. So when the TA looked at me expectantly I was all like... o_O!!!!! <-stupid
But luckily it was only 1% of my mark, and she gave me another shot at it. >_> Since my assigned 'poetry partner' forgot his poem presentation the first time around too, so that's why he got assigned half of my poem. It all turned out for the best I guess. ^^; I was wondering why the looks he kept shooting me weren't glares of hatred and contempt, but more 'haha sympathy' looks. ^^; Peachy keen!

I have now also discovered the joy of powdered graphite. JOY! Makes covering the page so much less work, and drawing on large sheets of paper much less discouraging. Since, you know, you don't have the large, white blankness of DOOM staring you in the face, and only your tiny little pencil tip to cover all of that. Only breathing it in isn't much fun. Luckily I thought (way) ahead and had (months ago for no reason) bought myself a dust mask, just because I thought I may need it at some (undetermined) point. .... >:D ha HA! Point number TWO for collecting random junk! Point number one goes when I discovered that the Mon Cherrie(sp?) plastic box that I have horded for a year and a half now, turned out to be the PERFECT size to hold my little coloured ink bottles. Score one for the junk collectors!

Another happy thing of last week was the complete and utter and total failure of my mouse to go right. It just WOULDN'T. It can go up and down, but God forbid it had to go RIGHT. ^^; So I guess I'll be investing in an optical mouse soon. My ball one lasted me for five years now, and was slowly dying for the last two or so. I guess it's time. If you're wondering what the hell I'm using now? Not key commands, that's for sure! Hooray for Wacom is all I have to say. XD *more thumbs up* The new mouse will be a long needed upgrade, and a good thing in the long run. :) Goodbye ball mouse, it was nice having you. You were a true friend.

I have also re-organized my bookshelf (finally!). Now all of my manga is in one place. The scary thing though is that I have about a shelf and a half of miscellaneous manga, and ONE whole shelf of CLAMP. o_O I never realized, oh man. *stares at it in awe* Granted though, I have a quarter of a shelf of Kouga Yun (Loveless, Gestalt) and a quarter of a shelf of Sailor Moon (in German). >_>

Also, for anyone who's interested I will not be going to Anime North. Talking to my mother has made me realize some things, one of them being that despite me trying to conserve as much money as possible, I still spend too much. Particularly on books that I don't really need. And besides books, Anime North will be another thing to hit the chopping block. While I am sad that I will miss the dancing and running around with people, I can't justify spending $200+ on that. 6_6 Maybe I'll make AN my graduation present or something, but for now it's too expensive for me.

And as a last tibit... here, have a quiz result:

WHITES are motivated by PEACE, seek independence and require
kindness. They resist confrontation at all costs. (Feeling good is more
important than being good.) They are typically quiet by nature, they
process things very deeply and objectively, and they are by far the best
listeners of all the colors. They respect people who are kind, but recoil
from perceived hostility or verbal battle.

WHITES need their quiet independence and refuse to be controlled by others.
WHITES want to do things their own way, in their own time. They ask little of
others, and resent others demanding much of them. WHITES are much stronger
than people think because they don't reveal their feelings. WHITES are kind,
non-discriminate, patient and can be indecisive, timid, and silently
stubborn. When you deal with a WHITE, be kind, accept (and support) their
individuality, and look for nonverbal clues to their feelings.

What Color Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Do I hear a resounding "HERMIT!" from that? Do I? Although I don't like that "Feeling good is more important than being good." crap. If that's true, then I better fix that! Also, that whole 'needs kindness' stuff makes me sound like a wimp. Memo to self: grow a spine.

UN-surprisingly enough, my little brother got Red. That jerk. XD;;;
I don't agree with that 'avoids conflict at all cost'. I do quite the drastic personality change, if you get me angry enough.
Also, I changed the formating of that quiz's text, because it annoyed me. >_>

ramble, life, university, quiz

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