sleep would be good right about now....

Sep 04, 2005 03:09

I have recently come to a new realization.
My Naruto OTP is SasuNaru/NaruSasu. This in itself is nothing new. No, I have discovered that my SECOND OTP for Naruto is... Uchihacest.

Okay brain, just WTH?!

This is now what, five? Incestual-brothers pairing that I like number five?
Let's see what we have so far *ticks off on fingers*:
-Elricest (Fullmetal Alchemist)
-Koucest (Digimon Frontier)
-Seimei/Ritsuka (Loveless)
-Ryouske/Keisuke (Initial D)

...And now Uchihacest.

The sad thing is, I think I'm forgetting some too. =_= Hey, if I read Harry Potter slash I'd probably like Fred/George too! *headdesk* But that pairing would be hilarious! >_> And let's not forget the slashy twins from Fushigi Yuugi...

DAMN YOU BRAIN! I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me now... It's not like I can pretend it's a fluke anymore... I mean, five is a pretty big number for accidents.

HEY! I don't like Yamato/Takeru! ............Maybe I'm only squicked by Takeru's age...... *ages him* ...........No! It's still icky!! :D YES!

But no, seriously... the brothers thing is weirding me out. : / I'm weirding myself out... weird.

- - -

In other news, I feel like I've been repeatedly run over by a truck. Huzzah! My back is killing me, too. bah! I am currently distracting myself from feeling-like-crap by reading shiny things. I was drawing earlier. You hear that, DRAWING! OMG! I haven't done that in a while~ *feels fulfilled and satisfied* Here's to actually finishing artwork. XO *crosses fingers*
But hot dang, I must learn how to draw hands better. It's really sad when such a small area takes up 10 times more time to draw than anything else in the picture. =_=;; You'd think there'd be more instructional books on hands out there.

........I just realized that what I'm drawing directly relates to the above rant..... =_=;

Is there no escape?

*in best robot voice* 'There is no escape. You will be assimilated.'

Haha XD

Oh, my God... It was 1am last time I looked at the clock. o_O

How time flies when you're in pain procrastinating.

Time for bed~ :D and some drugs.

loveless, misc, art, rant, naruto

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