Because I couldn't have put it better myself:
"An unemployed 47-year-old spinster who's never been married and lives with her cats goes on Britain's Got Talent and rocks the fucking house." I'll be honest guys. I cried. Yes I did. a little
I want to be that cool when I'm that old. The spinster, unmarried, and living with cats bit at this point seems feasible though. :D;
Also, check out this epic post on
Seriously, it's epic. (And image heavy.)
The snails with the drama sunset behind them, and the turtles crossing the log are my favourite. (Though they're all my favourite.)
* * *
In other news, today I got to hang out with
tejinachan and watch Leverage and the Doctor Who Easter special, and eat cake, and watch her play Okami. It was a good day. ♥
And now to send out that Lady Tantra sketch.
flying_squirrel, I will re-iterate that this is the best commission ever. XD