4am Madness

Apr 05, 2009 03:25

It's 3:26am, and I just found out that Fullmetal Alchemist 2 airs tonight at 4am. Someone linked KeyHole TV, a program that streams Japanese TV stations live.


SO I GUESS I'LL BE STAYING UP WATCHING THE NEW FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST NOW. I didn't want to go to bed at a reasonable time anyway.

If only they were airing something more interesting than golf in the meantime. :D;;

It's on TBS, for the curious.

Post-FMA2-Watching Edit:
Episode 1 is pretty epic, even if I have no idea what happened due to lag and the audio not being in synch and the whole thing cutting out every now and then. XD; THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN DURING GOLF! WHY TBS WHY?!
The most fun part was staying up and commenting on the corresponding thread on fm_alchemist. XD A BUNCH OF CRAZY PEOPLE, ALL OF US.

And hey! Episode 1 = NOT a repeat of the beginning of the manga. Seems they're going with the "let's summarize everything quickly, and then move on to the NEW manga plot bit." And you know what that means? BRIGGS! Coming up soon! ♥

Thing to note: Roy Mustang, got wet, still made fire! :D Roy2 = NOT useless when wet this time. *thumbs up*

Now if I only had the guts to get caught on the manga. I need my Olivia Armstrong fix... *grabby hands* ♥

fandom, happy, fullmetal alchemist

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