Aug 08, 2008 17:10
hello, lj.
yes, i've neglected you again. but there hasnt been much to say. still not much to report on a possible move in sept. stilling waiting on news from there b4 i can make any final decisions.
work is better. you dont really realize how shitty a call center is til you can get clear of them and then you know how the other half feels.
so life continues in the cycle of not really being happy but hanging in. i really want to move away and preferable soon, i'm afraid of being stuck in this perpetual blahness of oh it'll get better, i'll get ahead of those bills in a few months, no chnages, no improvement, very little opportunity. it feels like if i dont soon, i never will and i know that will haunt me.
well all for now, not much more to say.