Jun 19, 2008 22:05
i decided its my birthday so i should post.
first off i have to say a huge thanks to the girls for making it to my birthday dinner. i had a great time. the gifts werent neccessary but greatly appreciated! you guys rock!
i planned a lil group outing wif the girls. one particular highlight, which amy will never live down, was...kim, amy and i were eating our lil meals and chatting as usual. we started to chat about kims wedding, which of course lead to the cake. the nintendo theme cake! anyways i asked about the charaters they're puttin on top, wanted to know if they were gonna be made of gum paste or fondant or if they were gonna purchase non-edible charaters. kim goes to say no we're gonna order them, amy says oh from where? kim goes to say online prolly from japan and continued to start to say websites and what not about them, buy when japan came out of her mouth, amy starts to say "what's japan" which i promptly say "a country?" thinkin i cant believe she tried to ask that question. it occured to all 3 of us at excatly the same moment how retarded and hilarious the "what's japan? a country" statments were. it took prolly about 30mins for us to stop laughing.
so what did i do with my day? not a whole lot actually.
me and mom went on another birthday mission!! it was successfull and not as difficult as last years.
last year in case you dont recall me and mom went to halifax for my birthday with the mission of "buy a wii". it took many stores to find it in stock! but we were successful!!
this years mission was a surprise mission! very unexpected. here's the set up: so in case you've been living under a rock...rockband is being released for the wii on june 22. i have been tryin to find somewhere to pre-purchase for about a month now. blockbuster where i was able to pre-purchasee guitarhero for wii with no problems was not being helpful for my cause. (hold the boo) i almost pre-purcahsed online the other nite but ran into 2 issues, 1 not enuf money on mr visa and 2 i didnt want to pay THAT much to have it shipped. mom offered to take me out to eat for my birthday like last week and i decided today would be the day. so i get up and putter around abit and then get in the shower at like 2ish almost 3pm. as i'm gettin out moms on the phone with rosy (amy's mom) gettin updates on ma deveaux and amy's chris. once off the phone she like i'm gonna get a quick shower (it's now 430). i know mom showers pretty quick and i was in no hurry.....until.....i hear my cell beep with a recv'd text, i expect either amy or kim textin me a happy birthday but no it was amy sayin blockbuster is pre-selling rockband get in quick to purchase...few left. i'm then like do i just go now and come back to pick mom up or wait the 5-10mins for her to finish gettin ready to go. i imediately sy to my ya gonna be much longer and she says no, ok hurry!!!! she's like whats the rush (mom tends to stay still while talking so i'm like not now hurry) we get out the door quick b/c i refuse to talk, i'm just like mom we have a mission, hurry it up! once in the car (which i almost ran to) i tell her we have mission to do b4 dinner (she also needed to pick somethin up at walmart) so i was like mission rockband first then pick up she what needs then eat. i tell her the mission and she's like what? she doesn understand the need for rockband, mom is not a gamer and she has never seen rockband. we make it to blockbuster (i usually browse around blockbuster no matter what but not this time, rite into the line i went) amy waits on us and i was goin to pay for it but mom was like no i'll do that, how much is this gonna run, 170+tax was my immediate anwser, she shook her head but paid for it anyways!!! yay me!!!! so i will be the proud owner of rockband on sunday! i wonder if it come with sticker like guitarhero did???? *ponders*
since i have missed havin group activities and have actually forgotten how fun they can be, ya know i'm gonna have to have a rockband nite. mom has already suggested a long weekend this summer, dad would be away in halifax and donald and lori are expected to be up. mite possibly take her up on that!
pub crawl 08 is already lookin good! janice already has a sitter in lpace. me and kim are gonna be off!! amy is undecided/work schedule unclear. kims chris isnt a drinker but may come for a bit and amy's chris has an unknown status on it so far. and janices jason will be working. i think we'll be tye dyin again but no beads (way too much work to do on the afternoon b4 the event). this year we're prolly gonna go with blue or green for colour, we'll gather to discus at a later time.
question: anything goin on for canada day? thoughts?
that's all for now.
what's japan?,
kims wedding,
kims wedding cake,
my birthday,
pub crawl 2008,