Mar 09, 2013 12:41
So, I have been commenting on a thread on a friend of mine's facebook page and I wrote something that I think is rather well stated (prideful as that might be) and I wanted to save it and share it. We are talking about religion and the lack thereof and society and government and all sorts of hot-button stuff. The comment that inspired this post is this: "The irony is: as a Christian, I have never and would never post something critical of another's religion or lack thereof." This is my response:
I believe that being critical of others' beliefs (whether political,
religious, moral, or whatever) is important. People should be challenged
about their views, be made to actually think about them and not just
follow what someone in a pulpit, or a parent, or any other authority
figure has told them. That everything should be looked at with a
critical eye, examined from all sides. That trying to view the world
from other points of view is a worthy and necessary endeavour and can
only help promote tolerance and understanding. But just blithely
ignoring the hypocrisy and contradictions and close-mindedness in the
name of tolerance and sheer let's-all-get-alongedness is doing it wrong.
I believe that anyone who gets upset, feels attacked, or is made
uncomfortable by the mere questioning of their views is someone who
needs to take a long, hard look at what they actually believe and why.