Things to keep Katy entertained at work....

Aug 07, 2008 11:21

Here's the current list of webcomics I'm reading (in no particular order; the links are to the first comic):
Irregular Webcomic - Lego people, science, history, several story lines, incredible author comments
Questionable Content - coffee shop, sex, neuroses, life
Something Positive - twisted
Order of the Stick - dungeons & dragons style adventurer party
Shortpacked - toy store employees, retail angst, talking car, reagan, pervy guy, ninja, iron fisted boss, internets
Flipside - fantasy, sex, jester, magic, swords
Aaron Williams (Nodwick and Full Frontal Nerdity) - respectively, a d&d adventure group and a group of guys playing d&d
Dork Tower - gamer humor
Cectic - atheist Latvian making fun of any religion
Darths and Droids - Star Wars turned into a d&d game
Scandal Sheet - what happens when the National Enquirer-esque trash mag you work for turns out to be more than expected?
Casey and Andy - the devil is a girl and the scientists are mad
Married to the Sea - Victorian imagery/early American clip-art with words
xkcd - math, universal truths, romance, sarcasm, and funny
A Softer World - photography and non sequiturs


Want to see my pictures from the Vampire Prom at my work?


Know any golfers? Need a birthday present for them? Oh, the insanity.


Did you know that cuttlefish can see while they're still in their egg? Cool!


Game! Lob gems at monsters, level up, get the big one at the end. Which I still haven't managed to do. :)


Here's a blog by an atheist biology prof at the Univ of Minnesota, Morris. The blog is Pharyngula and his name is PZ Myers. He starts off by commenting on a news article about a college kid at the Univ of Central Florida who pocketed his Eucharist wafer instead of eating it and how the entire Catholic community was outraged and wanted to have the kid expelled from school - for not eating a cracker. Mr. Myers goes on to ask if anyone can get him a consecrated communion wafer and promised to commit sacrilege - with pictures! He, having maintained this blog for quite some time, was well aware of the types of emails and comments he'd be getting - from people saying they're praying for him to death threats. But the volume overwhelmed even him. Here're the links to the three main entries about this subject. They're funny while at the same time making me despair for the future of the human race - these Catholics are just as hate filled as any suicide bomber in the Middle East.
The beginning.
Oh, look, Bill Donohue and the Catholic League have gotten involved!
The desecration.


Paris Hilton, making sense and being funny.  This is her response to McCain using her in his ad against Obama.  It's just a little scary that she makes sense.  I hear she didn't take any money for doing this and she didn't use cue cards while filming.

garlic, atheism, photo, animals, game, comic, video, blog, golf, food, katy

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