oblidi oblida life goes on yeah

Feb 26, 2008 20:14

Day 44
Your Name: Luxord
Suicidal Ideation: 0/10
Homicidal Ideation: 2/10
Amount of Sleep Last Night: Uhhh seven hours? I think.
Any Lucid or Vivid Dreams? Explain.: Snake eyes. Pain in my god damn ass.
Moods Experienced Today: Regret (I'm sorry Kid), otherwise boredom
Mood Triggers: Today's been pretty boring...
Significant Thoughts of the Day: I wish they'd show Scrubs instead of that movie. I miss Scrubs.
Favorite Time of Day and Why: Lunch.
Least Favorite Time of Day and Why: The almost move back in.
How You Are Enjoying Your Therapy: Haha.
Noticable Improvements: I've been playing blackjack for god knows how many hours.

I need a room. I'll sleep in the hall otherwise, but I've got no complaints if someone can hook me up with a bed.

This was left on Demyx's bed later in the day, around dinner

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