Hi! Welcome to my sales post. Please feel free to look around. If anything interests you, leave me a comment here or email me at yohko_kurama@hotmail.com or PM me. Please read the following instructions before making any purchase. Thank you!
Prices do NOT include shipping or Paypal fees. Prices are listed in USD.
I ship from Canada and I will not
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Are you interested in both phonestraps or one of them in particular? Since you live in Montreal, I could meet up with you for the sale (or I could also mail it out if you prefer since mailing cost inside of Montreal won't go over a dollar or so). Let me know :)
I could meet up with you if it's not a problem but I'll have to get back to with date and time since I'm a full time student.
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Let me know once you'll have come to a decision. You can email me at yohko_kurama@hotmail.com to discuss about the finer details :)
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