Aug 21, 2007 15:59

I had a dream that could possibly rival Kaya's dream about Spandam's daughter... ahh, who am I kidding, not really. That one was great. XD But I did have a really WEIRD dream and none of it is made up.

I was pulling up in the yard of my mother's house, and there were a couple really unfamiliar cars in the driveway. And I was driving a really loud painted green car. So this guy came out of one of the cars and he had long, wavy black hair and a top hat. He called out to me and said something about this being the right house, and I nodded and said "It's very good to meet you, Mr. Slash."

It obviously WAS NOT the legendary guitarist from Guns N' Roses. And the man who came up shortly after, claiming to be Axel Rose, WAS NOT THE SAME PERSON EITHER.

Axel Rose does not have a long square nose.

So apparently Kaku and Lucci, AKA Axel Rose and Slash, had come to my mother's house in the interest of BUYING it. And I was apparently their tour guide. Now, my mom's house is a little messy, but when I stepped inside it looked like it hadn't been inhabited in years. But there my family was, carrying on their normal daily life as if the house weren't about to be sold to Kaku and Lucci. This whole situation was extremely weird, but in my dream I felt as if it were perfectly normal.

I don't remember many details after that other than seeing tiny guinea pigs in a cage with a blue jay. Maybe the pigs were the boys' dogs and the bird was my cat? @@?? I dunno. It was weird. And the last thing I was doing before I woke up was trying to wake my brother up saying "Axel Rose and Slash are here!!" and him giving me this lengthy explanation of why he's not bothering to get up and meet them. XD

I blame the dream on overexposure to the previously posted art gallery, and noticing in a picture how Slash-like Lucci was. THIS IS WHAT SPAWNED SUCH A WEIRD DREAM. A SIMPLE FLEETING THOUGHT. I love how brains work. XD

dreams, one piece babble

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