Nov 21, 2009 11:41


I just realized I have no interest in One Piece anymore o______o I mean I can still chat with people about it but I don't care to catch up and be current, or to draw fanart, or to fangirl any pairings.

IT FEELS WEIRD ...... but maybe it's just like the period I had when I was hardcore into KHII instead of One Piece and I'll roll back around eventually. @@

I do think cosplaying femme!Jimbei would be the best costume ever though and I really -really- want to do it. So I can paint myself blue and make prosthetic sharkyfangs 8D

And also blue!cleavage ftw. Low-hanging yukata. Yes yes yes oh yes.

And another thing...... O_O I DON'T LIKE YAOI ANYMORE ...... like I don't even find shirtless guys all too interesting anymore.

It's kind of awkward when it comes up around friends. Like "Oh blah blah blah One Piece" oh "ohai check out this hawt yaoi action unfunfbuttsecks" and I'm like "Oh that's nice. Yep. Okay. :| *totally uninterested*"

BUT IT'S OKAY... I have Psychonauts... and I'm slowly steeping myself in that fandom. And I have Brutal Legend, ohgod I want to draw myself a Metal Beast so badly. CUDDLY TONGUEY KITTIES EEHEHEHE <3 Ohai I am near the end of the game already. FECK THAT STAGE BATTLE IN THE SEA OF BLACK TEARS I CAN'T GET THROUGH IT UUUUUUGGHHH. D8<

I kind of want to cosplay from Brutal Legend but I dunno who I could beeeee... any suggestions? Main characters not likely... maybe a troop. LOL MANGUS FFFHAHAHA maybe. I could probably imitate his voice and it would sound so weird coming from my high-pitched self, hhhuuhuhuu... okay no more ranting. COSPLAY IDEAS?

I had a really important thing to ask... RIGHT.

I have my 4 required classes for next semester but I'm thinking about taking on another class just to increase my skill as an artist. I tried to find some TTH classes because I only have the one class on that day but there aren't any. The class I'm thinking about taking is Color. Theory of color, application, etc. etc. Something I actually do need to be working on right now. But if I took it I'd have 4 classes MW and 1 TTH and I'm just not sure... I really want to take that class. And I want to take other supplementary classes in the future, just to improve myself, even if they're not on my curriculum. It'd probably also look good to have those classes on my resume/in my portfolio. So... should I take the class? Or should I wait one semester and see how crazy having nothing but art classes can be? I'd really appreciate some advice. Thanks so muuuuuuch <3

PS- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31sZ9xZr_Ew&NR=1 hawt. lol idk. Just is.

brrtl lrgnd, cosplay, fangasming, art babble, schoooooooool

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