Aug 02, 2007 10:42
Okay, Chicago, I'm up in the Big Town from tomorrow night through Wednesday. I have two huge freelance projects I'm gonna need to work on while I'm there, but my nights should be totally free. I have demands:
- All of you need to come with me to Hala Kahiki. Saturday night would be an ideal time for this. I include here those of you I haven't seen in a while, those of you who will only be in town temporarily, those of you who have just moved there, and those of you I have not actually met. All must participate in an orgy of sissy tropical drink tippling.
- White Sox game Tuesday night? Maybe. Depends on time.
- Buy me HeroClix. HA HA, no, seriously. You don't have to do that. SERIOUSLY.
- CATAN, motherfuckers.
- Possibly...possibly it's time for another tattoo. But I'm not doing it alone.
- I'd like to do something outdoorsy -- a cookout, drinkin' in the park, going to the beach, something -- but this is contingent on the weather not being shitty, which tells me it will be. So we can play it as it lays.
The important thing is, even though this will be in many ways a working vacation, I want most of all to see my friends. So make that happen, won't you, friends?
Also tiki drinks.