The Second World War, as has often been noted in this space, is the last war that everyone in America felt more or less morally comfortable about. This is why conservatives are constantly invoking it in order to tart up whatever bullshit war they want us to fight at the moment: if they say "Well, we want to knock off this third-world country in
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I can't think of anything. And even that's only trouble if you think Monimbó was a documentary. (I wonder if Bruce Tinsley ever read that book, and if so, how he squares its portrayal of the Marielitos, as the vanguard of a Rising Brown Tide™ meant to "chill American hearts... bring America down... make America red"*, with his Mallard Fillmore portrayal of all Cuban refugees as by definition Noble Exceptions™ to the inherent vileness and vampirism of South American refugees in general? Particularly given that co-author Arnaud de Borchgrave is an editor at the Moonie Times, the paper that saved him from deserved obscurity**?)
* Actual blurb copy from the book itself.
** Actually, obscurity is more than Tinsley deserves. He deserves to be known only to the people who see him begging for spare change on a street corner somewhere in Indiana, and to collectors of Outsider Art who tape-record his rantings about the Warthog Demons trying to steal the valuable coupons he's marinating in his underwear.
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