A Curious Practice

Aug 03, 2012 00:08

Why I'm Writing
I try to avoid writing the drivel that sometimes spews from my mind to text.......However - tonight I feel liberated....a freedom in doing so.

I'm currently in the process to be hired on part-time at Prudential/Liberty Mutual and I have growing apprehensions.   Yes, it will be a steady source of income in a field I could or can work for years and yet I worry constantly if this is the direction I want to go with my life.

I recently acquired a surplus in the video game department from the ingenious steam sale.....In turn I requisitioned a controller for my computer and began plugging away at Bastion a game which I had purchased nigh on a year ago.

Bastion is a dream world constructed from small floating islands which build themselves as you traverse the world....The real kicker however is the Narrator also known as The Stranger tells your tale as it unfolds sharing pieces of his past in addition to knowledge of the land or creatures you encounter serving to truly bring to life the surrealistic world.

Between a strong level of control and a colorful world I greatly enjoyed my romp through the wilds, however there was one last element that wove everything together just right....the music was quite beautiful - and you should definitely give it a listen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8cELTdtw6U "Build That Wall" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlfUcnSbKDA&feature=relmfu
"Mother, I'm Here"

I loved how all the pieces came together, Bastion is a touching tale that I want to remember.

Aside from having a habit of keeping my eyes open until the wee hours of the morning I have another instrument to aid me in avoiding rest.   Books; My constant friend and reprieve - My life would not be the same without them.

The Mistborn Trilogy was recommended to me by my Kindle late at night when I was restless in my solitude.   After reading the preview chapter(s) I was hooked.....it's nothing life changing and yet I find a comfort within the words.   A search for identity and a group of 'radicals' round out the first book of the three as the main characters are thrust into situations they may not entirely understand or aren't ready for....not to mention a romance and a unique system of magic.

When the lights of a computer screen no longer seem a refuge or a tunnel I find that these books are my place of peace for now.

Tomorrow another wonderful couple I met in college are getting married!   I'm excited for them and feel they deserve to be congratulated for their strength in unity.

After the bachelor party last weekend I was left with the following thoughts 'I really enjoyed the baking contest we had!   This circle of friends I'm meeting through him reminds me immensely of my high school friends and I wish I could get my high school friends all together again!'

Congrats Adam & Angie!

Time to put on the frills and get ready to live it up tomorrow night!

Ending Note
If you're reading this I want to thank you, and hope that we can exchange more stories soon!  My hat is off to you fine ladies and gents.

I write this last sentence with a big smile and can hardly believe how much fun I had successfully writing this all down.

Dreamer, Friend, and Eccentric
Tom Logging off
