Dec 12, 2022 10:53
Do you have problems keeping up with your muse?
For example, I'm in a job where I have enough extra cycles to start thinking about narrative again, and pulled out "No Fair Fights" about 20 years after "Chosen". "NFF" is a story about a specific OC Slayer, who, because of where she was when chosen, is slow to pick up the details about what happened with Slaying. There has to be a lifeline to start to connect her with everything, and I put together that lifeline, and I start thinking there's nine months in personal development I have to account for.
Then I get an idea that both does that and resolves my outstanding "Scatterlings and Orphanages" obligations, and I start writing "How I Got To Memphis". Actually getting to Memphis, and what happens once we get there, is a hard part. It was intentionally non-arc, all episodic, because getting to know Rona and Xander post-"Chosen" is the point, but I wanted to end with a bang so I introduced a bit of arc, and now my brain avoids it.
It starts thinking about my OC slayer and Xander, while Memphis and No Fair Fights. My muse is far from the place I need it to be to get the first thing done. Any advice for muse-wrangling would be appreciated.