To my Anonymous Friend, and also to save the links for me

May 20, 2006 20:40

So, I've been dreaming of a B-Bender Tele. You know this. You also know it's the Bari-Sustainer-Piezo-MIDI-B-Bender (or, with a B-standard tuning, F#-Bender) Frankentele. A worry I've had is routing out all that'd be needed to be cut out to get everything necessary for what I want. Then I read a copy of Wired in the breakroom and that was it. Fab it, and then then I just don't put in the parts I don't want. Don't take a chisel to the body to fit the necessary front humbucker, make the hole bigger in the first place! Don't experiment with routers by taking a hole out of the back of a Tele, design a Tele with that hole there in the first place! And you can see the B-Bender work as you pull it!

And yes, I can say "I need this! I need that!" forever, adding to the Frankentele idea until it's far beyond silly. (The MIDI and Piezo points bring me exactly to "silly", I think.) But while the Dan Armstrong plexi idea is cool, I think I'm coming at this from a slightly more practical POV.


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