Now.. for your enjoyment...

Nov 30, 2004 10:12


> 1. Name: Chris LaValle
> 2. Nicknames: Stretch, SpiderMan, Chrissy, Toph, Topher.. etc.
> 3. Middle Name: Shane
> 5. Eyes: Grey
> 6. Height: 6'1"
> 7. Location: Urbana
> 8. Birthday: 7/1/85
> 9. Zodiac: Cancer
> 10. Status: Single

> Favorites
> 11. Animals: Wild-Panthers, Domestic-Dogs
> 12. Sport: Participate-Wrestling, Watch-Football, Baseball, Wrestling, and Basketball
> 13. Color: Blue
> 14. Song: Sally-Gucci Crew II(This is listed as my all time favorite because I knew all the words to it when I was like 5 and made my cousins play it in their cars all the time)
> 15. Band/Singer: Anyone decent
> 16. Quotation: When two choices both look like you lose, one of them turns into something even better than a win
> 17. Flower: Roses, Carnations, and Irises
> 18. Scent: Somethin that smells good lol
> 19. Movies: Shingu, Spider-Man movies, Donnie Darko, and a hella lot of others
> 20. Holiday: 4th of July
> 22. Element: Huh?
> 23. Books: Do I look like I can focus on a book long enough to finish?

> 24. Do you wear makeup?: No
> 25. Do you pluck ur eyebrows: No
> 26. Do you look for personality or looks: Both
> 27. Perfect match: Maybe someday
> 28. How many rings before you answer the phone: If I'm waiting for you to call, once because my caller ID shows up on the first ring, or twice sometimes
> 29. Future Career plans: Coaching, teaching
> 30. Do you sleep with stuffies? No
> 31. Do you want kids: Yes sir
> 33. Are you pretty: I dunno, ask someone else
> 34. Do you have your own phone line? Yes, but I don't use it
> 35. Do you get along with your family?: Haha
> 36. Do you have any piercings or a tattoo? Tongue ring and a tattoo

> 37. Do you Love Giving hugs?: Sure do
> 38. Taking walks in the rain: As long as it's not drenching rain
> 39. The mall?: Every once in a while, but people always wanna meet up there or go up there, so it's gettin old quick
> 40. Go on stage?: Naw, I've been in like once play my whole life
> 41. to Drink: NEVER!
> 42. to Smoke: NEVER
> 43. Drugs:
> 44. Eat meat: Yes

> 45. Dates/dating: Fun stuff
> 46. Sex: Yes, please
> 47. Eat sushi: Hell no
> 48. Bike: Psh, I have a license
> 50. Lace or Satin: I really dunno
> 51. Blue or Red: Blue
> 52. New or Old: Both
> 53. Rain or Snow: Rain
> 55. Wool or Cotton: Cotton
> 56. Rose or Daisy: Rose
> 57. Private or public school: Public
> 58. Plain milk or chocolate milk: Chocolate
> 59. Celsius or Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit
> 60. Spring or Fall: Fall
> 61. Math or Art: Art
> 62. One pillow or two: I have 5
> 63. Dogs or Cats: Both
> 64. Adidas or Nike: Nike
> 65. Coke or Pepsi: Both
> 66. Oranges or Apple: Apple
> 67. Deaf or Blind: Deaf
> 68. Pool or hot tub: Both
> 69. Blonde or Brunette: Either or
> 70. Guys or Girls: Girls
> 71. Tall or short: Both
> 72. TV or Radio: Both
> 73. Homosexuality: Just don't hit on me and it's cool
> 74. Brand names: Always
> 75. Abortion: Touchy subject, not gonna answer because someone will get pissed either way
> 76. Religion: Christian
> 77. Animal Rights: Sure
> 78. Love at first sight: Happened once, ended up with a lot of heartaches and problems at the end of that relationship
> 79. God: Yes
> 80. Aliens: Hope not
> 81. Horoscopes: They're fun
> 82. Heaven: Yes
> 83. Hell: Yes
> 84. Reincarnation: Maybe
> 85. Transvestites: Ewwww
> 86. Boy Bands: They suck, literally
> 87. Rap: Yes
> 88. 80's music: Only one song
> 89. Punk: Nah, punk's just stupid to me. Seriously, ya'll look like you wear clothes from your 4th grade year and then think you're tough or somethin. No one's intimidated... we're all laughing at you.
> 90. Whats the prettiest instrument(s): I don't know
> 91. Whats the prettiest part of the body? Eyes homie, eyes
> 92. Biggest fault: Prolly bein stubborn
> 93. Biggest fears: Losing what I've worked for
> 94. Do you live in the moment?: Yes
> 95. Do you care about looks?: A little
> 96. Do you like your handwriting?: Chicken scratch
> 97. Obsession: I'm not obsessed with anything
> 98. Looking forward to: Warmer weather
> 99. Are you okay with what you put? Of course
> 100. was this fun? Haha.. not really, no.
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