Jun 04, 2009 11:01
The Bean now says between 50 & 70 recognizable, correctly-applied words, & very readily copies words if you repeat them a few times, although she doesn't always retain them.
She makes animal noises for big cats, little cats, snakes & monkeys (scary: we never taught her that, so it must be from TV) when asked what those animals do.
She's having trouble understanding the difference between 'on' & 'off' in the context of the radio, but then, it IS the same button she's repeatedly stabbing with her chubby finger.
She still prefers to eat with her hands, rather than use utensils.
If she finds a pair of adult shoes, she'll step into them & clomp around.
She repeats actions she's seen, such as pretending to drink from empty cups, putting soil into plant-pots, rubbing sun-block on her skin or shampoo on her hair.
She still doesn't often sleep for six hours, but she does have fairly-regular nap & meal-times.
She'll have a go at eating almost anything, but doesn't like things that make her hands sticky, like cheese spread, jam, etc, although rice or pasta with gloopy sauce mixed in never stops her digging in, regardless of mess. Still prefers spicy food & fruit to just about anything else, probably liking spicier flavours than I do, from what I've seen, & point-blank refusing to eat any quantity of anything spooned-in, like yoghurt or pudding, although she doesn't mind if you pop a bit of chicken, chocolate, or messy fruit directly into her mouth now & then.
She dislikes cows' milk, & creamy flavours, & does not drink anything out of a sippy-cup except water, although she's happy to share some juice or squash that adults are enjoying. She's still pretty adamant about what kind of milk she prefers, & wakes me with curt little demands of 'boob' & kisses in the morning.
Rather charmingly she will say 'Awwww cuddle!' if she sees us kiss & embrace, & hurries over to join in, kissing us on the lips & smiling. She has learned to kiss other toddlers goodbye, too.
She still likes to ride on my back in a carrier, & will ask to be lifted 'ut!' into one, if I bring it out of the cupboard, but can also walk a pretty long way under her own steam, & will tolerate holding my hand when we are in the street. Although bus-rides send her fast asleep, she's more often than not wide awake when on my back, or for most of a car journey, looking around her.
She cries & strops when forbidden items are taken from her, & sometimes slaps me or herself (saying "sap!") or shouts "Shup!" if people are telling her off, or talking & ignoring her, but is generally a cheerful little girl, who even occasionally does as she's told!
She's starting to need a haircut!