isn't curtis just great?

Dec 14, 2004 12:37

so today was another pepband day and yeah, curtis, of course, gave me a ride home, but man, that was hard!!! so, he was being rather mean today, and either him and kyle were having an equally odd day today or i was just being more sensitive, but i thought he was really being...mean. anyway, i was carrying his trumpet and i refused to get into his car unless he apologized. well, he didn't apologize. in fact, he just got in his car anyway, and i KNOW he wouldn't have left me standing there, especially since yeah, i DID have his trumpet, but it just made me want that apology even more. so i got inside the car, (because i was cold, not because i gave up)and i left his trumpet outside beside the car and i told him apologize. he said, "why?" so i explained the ego thing. here's a graph to explain:

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curtis larissa
okay, so there's my 'ego graph'. yeah, i know, i make curtis look really egotistical, but that guy is sooooo stubborn it drives me nuts! it definately adds to the fun. so in his car, at my 'house' he apologized to me. but i was like, "yeah, sure, i'm going to get out and you're going to just say, 'oh wait, no i'm not'" and he laughed and he said, "hey, i was actually thinking about doing that!" anyway, i got out of the car and i think that's where some of our best conversations ever happen, right when i'm out of his car, and he's just looking up at me to talk. we'll say the most stupid stuff right then, i guess it's cuz we're about to leave and we like to end things on happy/cheerful notes. so we were talking about LOTR and we were just being random and then we parted our ways. it's great though, i love going home, getting ready for bed, when my last 'outside of home' interaction is with curtis and it being absolutely ridiculous so i can smile and shake my head at the same time.
which reminds me, awesome curtis weekend. friday, we had pepband and the christmas party at the church. the game was sad cuz we lost (i was pepped up though, i'm not sure why i got so excited AFTER we lost, but oh well) then i had my dad pick me up just to end up dropping me off at curtis's house so he could take me to KofC for the christmas thingy. unfortunately, we ended there about.... four and half hours late (?), yeah that's how late. so on the way to KofC i began to explain my absurd dwelling habits in which anything he says can be taken into my head and either used to his benefit or his demise. there's days where i'll dwell on something curtis said that offended me and he just didn't realize it and i'll be upset for the whole day, until he says something nice. when he says something nice though, i'll be happy for days. so later that night, when he took me home, i told him to tell me something nice so i could dwell on it, and he did, and every now and then when i get really...blah, i just remember and i feel happy all over again. aren't i pathetic?
then saturday, plans went crazy but in the end, curtis and i went to see shay play at the arlington. oh fun fun fun! here's a few fun-i-ties: CURTIS: i like that lamp. ME: me too...let's sit on it.
CURTIS: what'll happen if we aren't supposed to be here?
ME: we'll just say we came to hear flute music but couldn't find it. hey, why don't we just wander the hallways until we hear flute music, then we'll know it's shay!
CURTIS: okay...
(we go upstairs. in the middle of a hallway is a large door. a man opens it and flute music is heard....oh the irony.)
oh, there's more: there's the 'dont look away game' and the announcer lady "look at the baby pics!", there's 'you're a horrible speaker' and later that night, w/ shay "greater than/less than" the crosswalks-counting down the amount of seconds you have before you die and the "let's find the monkeys getting married!" definately a whole ton of fun. then curtis came BACK over just to read the entry previous to this one. it wasn't a waste, definately not so, he INITIATED a HUG. MAJOR DEAL THERE. yeah, i'll be happy for a few more days about that.
yeah, i know, i'm a little too caught up in my thoughts about curtis, every now and then i DO get mad at him though, so at least i don't perfect him in my mind. i think he's an awesome person though. wow, it's already midnight and i need to finish mouton work. ech, i don't wanna. i don't wannaaaaaaaaaa. wah. alright, alright, thou gods and demons of homework. i shall surrender to your call of responsibility. (dang it!) but yeah, curtis is so cool. alright alright alright, i'm goin!
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