You know I decided to update this one because I've fallen way behind in it. I have all these entries that aren't in any journal...just sitting in folders on my desktop because I went w/out wifi for so long. Xmas is quickly approaching. I'm still not sure what that means. I always feel like this in these days between when I get out of break and know they are days of between days. It's pretty boring. I've been reading a lot...go figure. yeah...I don't know...something...I've been listening to 69 Love Songs a lot...which reminds me of a couple things; the break up with Matt (2 years ago...hahahahaha), grasping onto Lark's arm as we walked around
Othermusic and trying not to let them smell my fear, and braving the Union Square Virgin Megastore after Othermusic didn't have the whole set. Oh life.
So now I'm home and will probably spend the rest of my day watching Human Giant videos on Youtube...and maybe go for a walk later...oh the time between now and new ipod is so long and difficult