Sep 25, 2006 11:55
I just the best email to PPH the other day asking him about maybe letting me in for soundcheck and...I copied it so that I could paste it in my own journal for recording purposes and it turned out to be one of those days when my computer is like "fuck you! and your want to copy and paste shit motherfucker!" and of course my email doesn't have a sent folder because it's dumb...I can't tell you...or even begin to reproduce how amazingly awkward this email was. It was the most amazing/awkward experience of my life...and definitely brought to mind those emails I used to send to various friends of the beatles (with Erica) including, but not limited to Klaus Voorman (oh Klaus you have made me so very happy over the years).
the thing is though...Peter Hughes hasn't emailed me back...and I don't want to be like Hey, reply so I know if I have to be in the city earlier than what I was planning. These people. I swear.