Insomnia is no longer fun

Nov 06, 2003 21:05

Why is it that I simply cant sleep at night or any other time when it would be convenient to sleep but during class, charting at work, trying to do homework, or problem, my eyes just want to slam shut. Not only am I tired but I am so sleep deprived that I'm beginning to hallucinate. Nothing good, just killer shadows messing with my head and the likes. Last night I took a benadryl, then a tylenol PM, then another benadryl and although I got loopy, I did not really sleep. I need help!
Actually, do you know who really needs help? The drivers around here. It's like the entire area has taken stupid driver pills. For the past four days, everytime I go somewhere, I see a particularly ugly accident or two or, even three. And, it seems like there is a semi turned over or blown up backing up traffic for miles and miles somewhere everyday at rushhour. Today, it was on my way home from Harrisburg. So, all the traffic is backed up for miles and it's raining so all the idiots who drive way too fast and are talking on thier cell phones come flying along, not paying attention and rearend all the stopped cars. I watched this happen twice in about ten minutes. I dont get it! People are so stupid.
The best part was when all the yuppies in thier big tacky SUVs decided that they were too important to sit in traffic and while they were trying to cross the deep grassy median, they remembered, "oops, it's been raining for three days!" And, then it became a Biff and Buffy romp in the mud. Until of course, the cops came and put on thier thigh high mud boots to go into the swamp that was the median to give them all tickets and tell them that they had to stay there, stuck in the mud until the accident was cleaned up and all the traffic had passed. I only know the last bit because one of these big brains called into the radio station thinking he was going to get some sympathy about how the police were mistreating him for trying to get home to his kids. WAAA! Instead, he got ridiculed. commuting sucks!!!
On a lighter note, here is my hotgirl icon. I love her. My sister made her for me. My big sister rules!! She makes me icons and she bought me a paid account so that i can make more icons. Yippeee!
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