Title: The Morning After Pairing: Peter/Olivia Spoilers: 6B Rating: PG-13 Summary: Walter arrives home and finds Olivia spent the night there. Word count: 321
This is really sweet and so them. I like how the two of them felt like teenagers caught by their parent, and how concerned Walter was with his son and Olivia's happiness and how Peter -- of course-- wouldn't expect his father to leave (the three of them are a family after all) but just give them a moment.
This put a happy grin on my face, it's so sweet and believable! :') I'm really hoping we'll get some kind of morning after scene on the next episode, and while a big part of me would love for it to be only Peter and Olivia in his room (like we got Peter and Altliv), a scene with them and Walter would be absolutely brilliant. Something like this would please me to no end.
Comments 3
Nicely done.
Great job, thank you!!
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