I'm entering something!

Jul 06, 2005 08:58

Yay! Stuffs is great heres. Staff show was last night, and I got to do a contact act with another CJ'er and a handbalance/contortion act with two other handbalance/contortioners. 'Twas awesome. My latest circus obsession is the diabolo, so named, apparently, because diabalo means "to throw across" in Greek. Anyway, you throw it across and it's awesome. I found this website with a billion tricks: cool stuff.
I hate ranting, so I won't do it. But if I were the ranting type, I would be ranting in this space. So imagine me ranting. If you can. Muahahahahahah. It's cold I'm tired, I hate the livejournal. Why doesn't anybody call me or write to me? I feel so unloved. Beck, feel free to pass this along to the parental units. I might call if and when I get off my tush and get a phone card. But until then, call, you slackers!
Joanna :)
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