This bores me.

Sep 20, 2011 12:10

Google plus is now pretty much the same as Facebook; it just doesn't have Zygat games yet (knowing google they'll probably have already arranged a deal with playstation or something; and right now hundreds of programers are writing new games that are desigined to waste your time slowly throughout the day in small doses).

I check both still from time to time, but they really are starting to bore me. 
How many of these kinds of status updates can you read before you just want to scream "Why do you think anyone would care about that!"
Here are some really banal good ones I found today on Google +
"People are stupid"
"Good night, I'm going to bed."
"Fruit Ninja Kinect is fun!"
"I am up"
"white castle hamburgers and garlic fries. yummy. also watching inglorious bastards" *Ed. note: obviously this guy was so bored with his own banality that he didn't even bother to use capitalization or puncuation for this status update.

Now I am not saying that both Facebook and Google + don't contain important and interesting information from my friends and aqauintances; its just you've got to wade through such massive ammounts of minutia, mediocrity, and mundanitude (I know that's not a real word, but I needed a thrid "M" word) that I just got feed up with it today.

I thought Google + might be a little better, as it's new, more selective, and I've got way more real friends on Google + and way more "friends" (of the "do I know this person?" kind) on Facebook...but NO!  All those examples came from Google + and over a span of about twenty four hours.  They're may be a few cosmetic changes and some interesting features...but Google + is Facebook, or it's equally boring replacement.

I've got it!
We could create a massive social network on all these vast expanses of land around our Computers.  Then we could take our flesh Avatars  (do their hair the way we like, dress them up in clothes we think are cool and fashionable, maybe put on some make-up) and go visit different social venues...why there could be one for shopping, their could be one for watching instantly streamed Movies (with other flesh Avatars!), their could be one for romance and entertainment, even one that let's you socialize with other Avatars as they work toward a solution to a common problem for the betterment of a even larger social group (this one could theoreticly pay the user in credits)...although often full of moments that are equally banal and mediocre, we could keep these moments to ourselvesand not braodcast to the world how boring our lives really are!  Let's go explore this vast MMOG...the graphics are fuckin' amazing.
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