lyssie has posted a poll that can be found
here, that I think is very amusing. I suspect most of you would as well. We are collecting data for a story we wanted some input on. So-who wants to vote on whether Sam Anders would consider having a vasectomy if that was the only method of birth control left on New Caprica or not? Just click on through and let us know what you think!
Results to be carefully considered in the epic, amusing Crack!Fic we are currently writing.
Thanks! Longer update at some point to follow in the future. Busy holidays that were mostly fun and relaxing and sadly almost over, though sad with the recent loss in the family. I can't believe school is starting again all ready. Workday tommorow-we'll see how much I actually get done and kids the next day.
Which leads me to my next fic related request. I work with teenagers myself, but I know lots of you on my friends list are teachers-and mothers of course! Some of you work in elementary or preschool, I believe, or have children that age. Have any stories you'd like to share about amusing disasters or mistakes new teachers have made? Or unruly small children? That you wouldn't mind possibly seeing show up reworked into fic? I would appreciate any suggestions and stories so much! If what I'm looking for isn't clear enough, just let me know. I'd be happy to explain further.
Happy New Year, by the way. Hope 2007 is a better year in many ways for my family and friends. 2006 had three family deaths and then my dad and his wife had to put one of their dogs to sleep on the next to last day of the year. Needless to say, we are all looking forward to a fresh start with the new year. I'm so grateful for and enjoy all the chats, comments and discussion I've had on LJ this year. I hope this turns out to be a wonderful year for all of you!