I just saw the funniest
video. Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segal-I think?-from How I Meet Your Mother on a talk show and they start singing a duet from Les Mis. They can both really sing-especially Neil-so it is good, but just hilarious at the same time! Everyone should go see it. I knew Neil had been on Broadway in Rent and yet somehow I didn't know he was such a good singer. I think what I like best about it is how much they seem like the goofy theater kids who just fool around and sing show tunes when they are bored that I knew in school myself.
That show is always very funny and smart when I watch it. I just forget to most of the time! I wonder why I don't hear more people talking about it? I wish it wasn't on so early. I very rarely watch anything that's on during the first hour of primetime.
Pizza Karma:
So, we ordered pizza on Saturday night. The total was 19.16 and I couldn't find any ones in the house. So when the driver came, I gave him a twenty and a five, plus the sixteen cents. I didn't want to just tip him a dollar and I wanted him to give me ones back so I could hand him his tip. I've done that before and it has always worked out fine. This time, I handed him the money and said, "Sorry, I don't have any ones," after he'd told me the total.
I all ready had the pizza and he just pocketed the money and started to leave. I was startled and "Oh, wait." He looked at me all startled and said, "Oh, did you want some change?" I was really annoyed at first and thought what is he trying to do? Pressure me into increasing his tip? I don't think I'm being a Scrooge in not intending to tip six dollars on a 19 dollar order. What do the rest of you think? I suppose I should say that I live in a Midwestern city that is large, but the cost of living is fairly low. The average hourly wage at most food places would only be between six and seven dollars an hour.
Anyway, instead of just giving me the change, he looked very panicky and said, "How much did you want back then?" and I asked for three dollars, which was giving him a three dollar tip. I was irritated though because I felt that it had been very awkward. I've done jobs where I earned tips and that's the last feeling you want to give a customer.
As soon as I shut the door, however, another explanation occured to me. I think his problem was that he didn't know how much change to give me. He was very young, only about 17 or 18, I'd said, and I don't think he could do the math. He just grabbed money out of his pocket and handed me back how much I asked for. I have a feeling if I'd asked for seven or eight dollars he would have given it to me and ended up going back without enough money to pay for the pizza! I work in education and it makes me sad that he was old enough to drive and I don't think he could subtract 19 from 25 on top of being a bit rude!
The conclusion of the story is that tonight a reseach company called to ask if I was happy with my order from this weekend. He asked me to rate all sorts of silly things from one to seven. I gave sevens on everything but the driver and gave him a five. Then the guy wanted to know what was wrong-from a five! Which I didn't think was rating him THAT low at all. I ended up just saying he was fine though. I didn't really want to get him in trouble. He was just a kid and it wasn't the end of the world. I worked in retail for years and the last thing I want to do is be a difficult customer. I hardly ever get annoyed and I'm usually very understanding. I just thought it was very odd that I was unhappy which is rare and then they call to ask me about it. Also, I'm amazed how much time and energy companies spend tracking the efforts of employees they pay not good wages to in the service/retail sector these days.
I have been meaning to write up a meme for two weeks that I have written out in long hand. LJ has eaten this post twice now so I'll have to type that up next time. I need to get to bed and hmm I might just have to watch BSG:Unfinished Business again. I've only watched it twice so far, so I think that's fairly sane. Also, has anyone seen the 7 Up series of documentaries? I just watched the latest installement 49-Up which was so good. I need to write up longer thoughts. For now, I highly recommend it and would love to discuss it. I think I shall try to get my adopted mom to watch it with me, because I'm sure she'd like it.